eMotes: Novel Disposable Airborne Probes

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association and GlobalSense partnered to sponsor the eMote in order to take measurements from the atmosphere. Data is streamed from an ensemble of sensors (up to 2080) to receivers located on the ground.

The system provides data on temperature, humidity, altitude, GPS, and inertial measurements from the atmosphere. The receiver’s hardware consists of the Tiva-C Launchpad and TI-MSP430. TI-RTOS (Texas Instruments Real-Time Operating System) is used in order to wield excellent interrupt driven IO from the antenna.

This project has been ongoing since I have been an undergraduate at Auburn. Currently I assist in testing the system, focussing primarily on the receiver end of the project. We most recently concluded range and battery testing. Future work consists of pulling wind vectors from the sensors as well as measuring resonant frequencies of static structures.

Project overview and image sources.

Ryan McGill
Computer Engineering Undergraduate

Quantum Electronics, Photonics, and Optics